AI 101: A Practical Conversation With Larry Bridgesmith, JD -- Part 1

How does one stay abreast of all that is happening in the Generative AI space? Speaking to the challenge, Larry Bridgesmith talks about the daily challenge.  To illustrate the point, consider this news: a vendor reports that it is now possible for one AI to completely execute, sign and transmit an agreement with another humans involved!

How much should we trust the output of Generative AI? Larry suggests that we are foolish to take any output at face value. Due diligence is essential. 

Highlights of this Conversation:

  • What is "generative" AI?
  • Where does AI fit in today's professional service firm?
  • Is the fear that AI will make me a legitimate fear?
  • What are some near term applications of Generative AI in today's professional service organization?
  • The power of training Generative AI on a specific data set, and the case for keeping the people in the loop.
  • AI and Digital Data Lakes -- like the time and billing data set -- and the impact on higher productivity and greater utilization -- think about the application for a Practice Group Leader
  • AI and project / case management
  • The practical role of AI in crafting communication
  • The difference between Generative AI and Causal AI

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